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This company saved over $120k in 1 year after using the Markforged Metal X
This company saved over $120k in 1 year after using the Markforged Metal X

See how Nieka Systems made massive savings in time and money after using Markforged 3D Printers in their manufacturing process.

8 Most Frequently asked 3D Printing Questions Answered
8 Most Frequently asked 3D Printing Questions Answered

3D printers are becoming an essential tool in the workflows of many businesses and industries. The technology is evolving fast and it is now possible to 3D print objects which were unheard of 10 years ago. 3D printing is becoming the largest disruptive technology shift since the internet. It is fascinating to see where the technology will take us in the future and it’s definitely something to look forward to. Keep reading as we answer the 8 most frequently asked 3D printing questions.

Generative Design and its Applications
Generative Design and its Applications

Over the course of 3.5 million years – we’ve created tools that have helped us create our world. While those tools have allowed us to do more and made more things possible, they’ve not only defined our aesthetic but also limited our imagination – until Generative Design was introduced.

Educating Educators: Are 3D Printers safe?
Educating Educators: Are 3D Printers safe?

3D printers are becoming increasingly popular as the technology improves and costs decrease. Today, 3D printers can be found everywhere - from research laboratories, primary schools, factories and people’s homes depending on their application.

3D Model to a Metal 3D Printed part using the Markforged System
3D Model to a Metal 3D Printed part using the Markforged System

The Markforged Metal X 3D print system is the next major revolution in 3D printing. It’s a manufacturing solution that covers the full production process from start to finish. This blog takes a closer look at the step-by-step process of the whole Metal X system.

Markforged 3D Printers Ecosystem (Infographic)
Get started at any level with Markforged. Offering a complete upgrade path for their full range. There is nothing stopping you from joining the Markforged eco-system today. Start making REAL parts now and as your business and opportunities grow, upgrade your machine as needed.
Manufacturing Reinvented with New Developments in 3D Printing
Up until recently, 3D Printers were being used to quickly and cost effectively print manufacturing parts and even though the quality and strength was inferior to traditional manufacturing methods, managers on the production floor were already seeing a future of substantial cost benefits. Now, Markforged 3D printers are producing products surpassing traditional manufacturing, at a fraction of what they used to cost. And Redstack are partnering with our clients to bring this exciting technology right onto their production floor.